Wednesday 1 August 2018


Today, let’s look at positive and negative attitude people bring back after serving in the military or after deployment. Though it may differ in some people.
Lets read on boys.
Punctuality: That’s a normal lifestyle of military personnel, till today many people that have retired into their peaceful civilian life still wake up early as if they have an appointment which is not. Their body system have been used to waking up early to start their duties, while some were so used to the system that they stay awoke unnecessary in the night.
*    Tidiness: vets usually have this sense of high neatness; they always want things done in order as they have been trained in orderly manner. Vets house are always clean from the library to kitchen and toilet.
*    Discipline:  Maybe discipline should be the word I can use to sum up all the traits vet inherit from the military. This discipline is what they use in handling clients in business, raising their kids, living their whole life and it really pays for them.
*    Security consciousness: military veterans are very careful in their life when it comes to security, most of them have houses with legal sophisticated security gadgets to prevent break in, and some are even armed with martial arts that comes in handy during violent encounter. Equipped with knowledge about weapons, retired special force agent are very dangerous to danger and you may count yourself safe living with them.
*    Very current about sensitive news
*    Loving and caring: I have opportunities to associate with many war vets, especially my dad; they exhibit high level of love and care. They all want the best for their loved ones that is co-operative. Military wives can testify to this.
*    Respectful and Loyal.
*    When it comes to relationship, they are romantic
*    Experienced: During deployment or service, they have face many unfavorable scenario in which they have to make difficult choices. During deployment to foreign places, they have learnt new language during deployment, ate different kind of meals, meet with different people and mix with different people. Those in combat positions have experienced many things that can cripple a mere man life, all these experienced combine together make life much easier for them in the civilian world. Talk about a medic that now own a hospital, talk about a former tank engineer that doesn’t need a mechanic to fix his car, talk about a former Bomb disposal soldier now a instructor even after retirement, talk  about a former cyber security personnel now making his money from selling commercial drones. Experience was the secret.

Now let’s take a look at negative characters military personnel exhibit after deployment, discharge or retirement.

Smoking and alcohol drinking: Majority of military dudes got hooked on smoking during deployment due to the nature of their job. Many never smoke before until a fellow comrade enticed them that smoking cigarettes or marijuana makes one rugged and tough to circumstances. The myth that once you are high you can go through rigorous training without pains have lured many into taking cannabis. Though Smoking and alcohol is not officially allowed by many countries military during deployment but many still manage to smuggle to get them at black markets or other means.
Excessive Pornography:  retired Soldiers at combat deployed to combat unit h for a long time have confessed that they resort to pornography when they are horny even if it isn’t allowed. Pornography is a popular trend among western countries military personnel deployed to troubled areas and peaceful areas. It is seen as a normal stuff as fellow comrades share weird pornographic material with each other on phone and other medium telling their friends: Hey check this out. By so doing many that didn’t have a knack for porn begin to develop it and things get very nasty because the porn they divulge into are weird, forceful and only possible in a fantasy. Pornography has continued to be the major cause of sexual assault in the military till date. This ugly character still stays with them evil from transition to civilian hood. There is a saying that whatever happens in deployment stays in deployment, but pornography follow a person home once it is developed at deployment.
Over-judgmental and Over- strictness: although not all have this one. Many retired Military personnel carry on with civilian life with a military style and sometimes it is overdone to the extent that they have nostalgia for civilian indiscipline attitude.
Abusive words: Many slang and words they use in the military to jokingly spar with comrades or mock each other. They bring these words to the civilian world to teach any motherfucker that thinks he can lash them with words.

Anyway, these characters here are just likely! one people get after serving the military and not a conclusion that it is so because people varies, country varies and armed forces varies. All the same, the world cherishes the positive character people who served inherit from their father, the military!

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